Library Legislative Day 2009

Library Legislative Day 2008
Library Legislative Day 2008,
originally uploaded by RVLS.
Library Legislative Day will be February 10, 2009. This picture of one of the RVLS senators, Senator Mark Christensen from Imperial, was taken at the Cornhusker during the delicious meal. You get to chat with a senator about your favorite issue of the day, after which you can attend the afternoon session. If you are interested in attending, call (800.569.4961) or e-mail the RVLS office ( You can also register!

Sometimes you just have to talk things over

RVLS librarians met to discuss the Gates Grant opportunities on Friday, Dec. 5th. Questions still linger, such as "am I really going to get $650.00 worth of good out of this when my budget will hardly allow $650.00 in new materials--and what about the $1300.00 next year". Tough decisions in tough economic times. Sharing these thoughts and thinking in other ways made a very beneficial meeting for all involved.